An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain. It is a non-invasive test which is well tolerated. Electrodes are applied on the scalp and brain wave activity is recorded using highly sensitive computer equipment.
A video is also recorded to capture any clinical signs of seizure activity that may occur during the study. We offer a wide variety of EEG testing which includes, a standard routine EEG, ambulatory EEG from 24 hours up to 72 hours, outpatient extended
EEG from 2-6 hours, and outpatient EEG with anesthesia. EEG’s are completed on Adult and Pediatric (site specific) patients.
What to Expect
- Your head is measured and marked for electrode placement
- The scalp is prepped using a gel-like substance to remove any excess oils and then a conduction cream is applied to hold the electrodes in place. Gauze maybe used to wrap the head to secure the electrodes.
- You will then be asked to relax and lie still with your eyes closed for most of the test.
- During the test, a strobe light will be flashed on and off (photic stimulation) and you may be asked to take repeated deep and fast breathes (hyperventilation).
- Drowsiness and sleep are encouraged during the test. Sleep deprivation may be indicated by your physician.
Patient Preparation
- Please have clean hair without any hair styling products such as oil, gel or hairspray. Note, hair weaves may interfere with the test and will have to be removed.
- Refrain from drinking caffeinated beverages.
- Continue to take regular prescribed medication unless otherwise indicated by your physician.
- No restrictions with meals/food intake.
- A parent or guardian must accompany minors (under age 18).
- A routine EEG takes approximately 90 minutes with set up, recording time, and disconnect; for adults the test takes approximately 90 minutes.
If a child/infant is scheduled for an EEG, please follow the same preparations as routine EEG plus:
- Bring a favorite video, toy, stuffed animal, bottle, pacifier and/or blanket to help calm child.
- Please coordinate your appointment with child’s nap time if possible.
- If your child is ill or has a temperature, call as soon as possible to reschedule the appointment.
- On the way to the EEG appointment, please keep the child awake and do not allow the child to nap. We prefer the child to sleep during the EEG testing.
- The test takes approximately two hours.
Sleep Deprived EEG Test
For a prescribed sleep deprived EEG, follow the same preparations as a routine EEG plus:
- For adults: follow physicians order
- For children: have the child stay awake two hours later than normal bedtime and wake the child up two hours before usual wake up time.
- Test takes 90 minutes to two hours.
Outpatient 2-6 Hour Video EEG
This test is a long-term EEG recording. Follow the same preparations as a routine EEG plus:
- Bring a companion, lunch and amusements (games, reading materials, videos, etc.)
- Parents must stay with children throughout the test.
- Test can take up to eight hours.
Outpatient Anesthesia EEG