The McBrien Pediatric Neurosurgery clinic offers surgical expertise in minimally invasive endoscopic procedures and specializes in the treatment of refractory epilepsy to include stereotactic EEG (sEEG), laser ablation (LiTT) and
neuromodulation to include VNS, DBS and RNS.
The clinic is led by Dr. Cesar Serrano Almeida, a board-certified neurosurgeon who is fellowship trained in pediatric
neurosurgery, provides multidisciplinary care by working in tandem with the following subspecialties: neurology, oncology, proton therapy, orthopedics, urology and plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Patient care includes specialized diagnostic testing such as CT scans, EEG, EMG, fMRI, MEG, MRI, PET and SPECT.
Patients referred to the McBrien Pediatric Neurosurgery clinic are connected with a nurse navigator who will assist with appointment scheduling, obtaining medical records and ordering additional tests. The nurse navigator is
the point of contact for the referring physician and patient throughout the initial stage of care as well after specialized care is established, resulting in efficient navigation between providers and a single point-of-contact
for questions or concerns.
Insurance coverage: Beaumont Children’s accepts most insurance payers.