Ronald Bolinger was brought to Beaumont, Troy with severe COVID-19 symptoms, however through testing, it revealed that he had suffered a massive heart attack. During his stay, Ronald and his wife Mary benefited directly from Beaumont’s new patient
and family centered-care tablets.
"I didn't know if I'd ever see him again," Mary said. "So being able to communicate with him using a tablet has been a big deal for me. It doesn't replace seeing someone in person, but it's so much better than nothing. It gave me a sense of peace. We
are so grateful to the staff for making this happen for us."
Mary said the video chat exchanges also brought comfort to her husband and other family members, even when he was on a ventilator and could only open his eyes and nod. "His only sister had been crying. When we connected them on the tablet, she was so
relieved and happy."