Beaumont Hospital, Trenton
Frequently used phone numbers
Main Hospital: 734-671-3800
Care Management: 734-671-3850
Patient and Family Experience: 734-671-3643
Nutrition Services: 734-671-3812
Lost and Found: 734-362-6727
Discharge Medical Program/ Outpatient Pharmacy: 734-642-2190
- administration
734-671-3802 - patient registration
734-671-3828 - cardiac rehabilitation
734-671-3894 - cardiology services
734-671-3886 - emergency department
734-671-3883 - gift shop
734-671-3692 - birthing center
734-671-3950 - radiology
734-671-3877 - medical education
- medical library
734-362-6745 - medical records
- medical staff
734-671-3848 - nursery
734-671-3621 - bone and joint center
734-642-2727 - rehabilitation services
734-692-5903 - radiology
734-671-3877 - spiritual support
734-671-3779 - telephone operator
734-671-3800 - volunteer services