Thursday, December 30, 2021

Rising COVID positivity rates have prompted Beaumont Health to take additional steps to protect inpatients, staff and visitors at all eight Beaumont Health hospitals.
Beaumont will continue to welcome one support person/visitor each day, regardless of vaccination status, for patients who do not have COVID-19 and are also not suspected of having COVID-19. However, under the new guidelines, the support person cannot alternate with other people throughout the day without receiving prior approval from clinical leadership. This includes postpartum patients. The new guidelines go into effect Friday, December 31, at 8:00 a.m.
For all Beaumont emergency center patients, one support person can stay with the patient until the patient is in the evaluation and treatment process. However, if a support person is unable to stay due to facility constraints identified by the hospital leadership, the support person must return to their vehicle and will be provided with a phone number to call and check on the patient’s status. After a support person joins a patient in their room, they must stay in the room for the duration of the visit.
Beaumont will continue to evaluate visitation policies and procedures and update the guidelines as needed.
Masks which cover the nose and mouth must be worn at all times by everyone, regardless of vaccination status. In addition, each visitor will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering the building. Every visitor must also be free of COVID-19 symptoms and cannot be waiting for COVID-19 test results.
After a visit is complete, the support person must leave the hospital and cannot remain in waiting areas, public areas or cafeterias.
No one will be allowed in rooms of patients with pending or positive COVID-19 tests except for individuals who are approaching the end-of-life, patients 21 years of age and under, women in labor, or other extreme circumstances where the benefits of presence outweigh the risk of COVID-19 exposure. All exceptions must be approved by clinical leadership.
All of Beaumont’s hospitals are safe and remain open to all patients needing health care including emergency visits, testing and surgery. Patients should continue to go to any Beaumont Emergency Department for medical issues that need urgent attention.
The complete, updated public policy with additional details is posted here: