Monday, December 06, 2021

Orthopedists available 7 days a week
Area residents now have another option when seeking after-hours care for a sports or orthopedic injury. Beaumont recently opened a new Sports and Orthopedic Injury Clinic at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak. The clinic is staffed by orthopedic specialists seven days a week.
Appointments are recommended. For an appointment, call 248-551-9100.The clinic is inside the Beaumont Medical Building on the campus of Beaumont, Royal Oak: 3535 W. 13 Mile Road, Suite 742. Free parking is available in the North Parking Deck adjacent to the Beaumont Medical Building. Clinic hours: Monday through Friday, 5 to 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
“Sports injuries and falls happen. Don’t wait for care. The new after-hours Royal Oak clinic provides easy access to high-quality orthopedic care,” said Dr. Jeffrey Fischgrund, chief, Orthopedics at Beaumont, Royal Oak. “From children to seniors, every patient will leave with a treatment plan. Our team of orthopedic specialists are here to help patients take their first steps toward recovery, so they can get back to doing what they love as quickly as possible.”
At Beaumont’s Sports and Orthopedic Injury clinic in Royal Oak, patients will have access to same-day exams, imaging, surgical referrals and expedited access to orthopedic specialists.
Types of injuries seen at the clinic:
- bone, joint or muscle injuries
- possible sprained ankle, foot or knee
- hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder injuries
- swollen joints
- sports injuries
- torn ligaments and tendons
- falls
- bruises and contusions
- tendonitis
- tailbone injuries
- dislocations
Most major health insurances are accepted.
The clinic is not intended to provide emergency care, second opinions, post-surgical follow-up care, pain medication refills or care for chronic medical conditions.
Beaumont also has an after-hours Sports and Orthopedic Injury Clinic at Beaumont Hospital, Taylor. For an appointment at Beaumont, Taylor, call 313-887-6000. The Taylor clinic is inside the Beaumont Medical Building on the campus of Beaumont Hospital, Taylor: 1000 Telegraph Road, Suite 100. Clinic hours: Monday through Friday, 5 to 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.