Diagnosing Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women

Diagnosing sexual dysfunction can usually occur without any testing other than a physical exam. If you have symptoms of sexual dysfunction, consider talking with your doctor. Once you have a diagnosis, your doctor will work with you to pinpoint the cause or causes of your condition so you can treat it properly.

The initial visit will likely include gathering a health and sexual history , performing a physical exam and discussing your symptoms and concerns. Your doctor may also recommend some diagnostic tests in order to find or rule out medical conditions that could be causing or contributing to your sexual dysfunction.

Your doctor may also ask questions to evaluate things like your thoughts and attitudes about sex and sexuality and may ask you whether you have any fear, anxiety or past trauma that could lead to sexual dysfunction. Many people find it embarrassing to discuss their sex life and sexual history with anyone, let alone a doctor, and that's understandable. But there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Sexual dysfunction is a common problem, and with treatment, most types of sexual dysfunction can be overcome.

If your doctor thinks you should see a specialist to help you work through your dysfunction , he or she will give you a referral. Specialists may include sex therapists and counselors who deal with sexual dysfunction every day.

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