We focus on treating disorders of the voice box (larynx), mouth, pharynx, sinuses, middle ear, front and side of the skull base. The use of minimally invasive and image guided surgical techniques allow patients to spend less time in the operating room, require less postoperative care and recover more quickly.
Offering the most sophisticated imaging capabilities for care of the ENT patient including: CT, MRI and PET scanning and the CT Landmarx system for endoscopic sinus surgery.
Special Procedures Offered
Our surgical team performs a range of otorhinolaryngeal surgical procedures including:
Head and neck cancer
- trans-oral endoscopic laser resections: oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx tumors (organ preservation)
- resections of paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx lesions
- total laryngectomy with primary or secondary TEP puncture (voice prosthesis)
- hemilaryngectomy: vertical, supraglottic via external or endoscopic (minimally invasive approach)
- approaches to the paranasal sinuses for tumor resections: midface degloving, lateral rhinotomy, subfrontal
- neck dissections - radical, modified radical, functional and selective
- reconstructions - Pedicled flaps (pectoralis major), free flaps (fore-arm flaps etc), gastric pull up, and regional flaps (forehead, tongue flaps, skin flaps)
Middle ear
- tympanoplasties
- stapedectomies
- cholesteatoma surgery with/without mastoidectomies
- reconstructions of ossicles
Paranasal sinuses
- endoscopic surgery of maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal sinuses - with or without Landmarx guidance
- orbital decompression
- external approach to the sinuses - see above
Anterior skull base
- resections of skull base tumors in combination with subcranial resections by neurosurgery like sino-nasal carcinomas involving the skull base, esthesioneuroblastoma
- transnasal endoscopic approach to the skull base for resection of pituitary gland tumors, meningioma
Lateral skull base
- endoscopic lateral skull base surgery for acoustic neuromas
- translabyrintal, suboccipital resections for acoustic neuromas
- Zenker's diverticulum or transoral endoscopic stapling
- esophageal dilatations
- laryngoplasty - Botox ® and gelfoam injections for vocal cord paralysis
- thyroplasty - Goretex ® implants for vocal cord paralysis
- arytenoidectomy
- laser excisions of nodules, polyps, Reincke's edema, web etc
- laryngo fissure - laryngocele
- secondary TEP fistula - voice prosthesis for laryngectomy patients
Facial Plastics
- reconstructions after resection of skin cancers, such as Moh's surgery
- rhinoplasties (nose)
- face lifts
- Botox® injections
- tripod fractures-mini-plating
- orbital floor fracture repair
- nasal fractures under local anesthesia (in-office) or under general Anesthesia depending on patient age and fracture complexity
- peritonsillar-transoral
- parapharyngeal-transoral/transcervical
- Periorbital-Lynch incision
- mucocele, frontal sinuses-endoscopic/external via bicoronal flaps
Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP)
- treatment for chronic sinusitis symptoms using a small, flexible, balloon catheter to open up blocked sinus passageways and facilitate drainage of the mucus that builds up in patients
- requires no cutting and no removal of bone and tissue
- tracheostomy under local or general anesthesia
- tracheal resections-tracheal stenosis
- hemithyroidectomy/total thyroidectomy for benign and malignant disorders
Special Techniques
Each patient is evaluated before and after treatment with a variety diagnostic tools:
- for head and neck cancers - CT, MRI and PET scans
- for sinus - CT with Landmarx, an system for operating endoscopically resulting in fewer complications
- for larynx disorders - laryngoscopy and stroboscopy
Because patients with head and neck cancer usually receive a variety of treatments from surgery to radiation and chemotherapy. After treatment is complete, patients with neck cancer get repeated follow-up PET scans rather than neck dissections to reduce recurrence or spread of the disease.
ENT surgeons often use simultaneous chemoradiation therapy or minimally invasive surgery to preserve organs, ENT surgeons and radiologists plan radiation dosing together. For years after treatment, our surgeons and radiation/medical oncologists continue to evaluate patients. When needed, We routinely involves speech pathologists after surgery for objective voice analysis and swallowing training and dietitians also consult with patients to optimize nutrition.