Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and other outpatient services available to community via new medical building
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and outpatient services, such as cardiovascular services, pain management and X-ray services are now available to the community via Beaumont Hospital, Grosse Pointe’s newly opened Medical Building.
The two-story, 60,000-square-foot facility, is the largest construction project in the city of Grosse Pointe since the mid-1950s.
As an added bonus, the building’s opening freed up space for additional private, inpatient rooms within the hospital.
Hospital President Rick Swaine said he is thrilled to be able to provide patients recovering from stroke, spine, joint and bariatric surgery with a private room.
“For many patients, having a private room is a priority,” Swaine said. “We are proud to provide this to them and also create a better atmosphere for our patient, his or her family members, the clinicians and staff.”
According to Jay Winters, technical and safety director for Hyperbaric Services at Beaumont Hospital, Grosse Pointe, “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has proven to heal disease and wounds that have been resistant or nearly impossible to treat. We are excited to be able to bring the benefits of this service to the Grosse Pointe community.”
For hyperbaric patient George “Chuck” Costea, D.O, a combination of renal failure, open-heart surgery, kidney transplant, diabetes and immuno-suppressant drug therapy created the perfect storm for leg wounds and a raging infection that eventually traveled to the bone.
From May through August 2013, Dr. Costea commuted to Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak five days a week for hyperbaric treatment – in addition to maintaining a private practice in Roseville. During that time Dr. Costea also received wound treatment at the Grosse Pointe hospital three times a week.
“Access to a hyperbaric facility like the one we now have right here would have been an enormous benefit, as I was living in New Baltimore and my practice was also on the east side,” said Dr. Costea, 65, who now works in care management for Beaumont Hospital, Grosse Pointe.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Dr. Costea said, enabled him to remain active during the medically challenging, 18-month period.
“I don’t think I would have been mobile and independent and able to continue working otherwise,” Dr. Costea explained. “Hyperbaric treatment also allowed me to postpone lower leg amputation for 18 months, during which time I was able to recover my health and strength and become better positioned for surgery.”
Winters said that for many patients, infected wounds don’t heal because they don’t receive enough oxygen under ordinary circumstances.
“Hyperbaric oxygen therapy nourishes the affected tissue, improves the ability of the white blood cells to kill bacteria, stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and boosts the body’s own natural healing process,” Winters said. “The need for amputation declines significantly and overall patient outcomes improve.”
In addition to hyperbaric therapy and wound treatment, additional services relocated to the Medical Building’s lower level include: laboratory and ostomy services; cardiovascular services such as echocardiogram and vascular testing; clinical neurophysiology services and testing; pain management, imaging services such as X-ray and ultrasound and pulmonary function testing.
Physician offices occupy the first and second floors of the building.