11/6/2019 6:29:09 PM Reporting from Detroit,MI
Enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace
11/6/2019 6:29:09 PM

Enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Corewell Health

Enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Beaumont will be hosting several Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment events in November and December through Sunday, Dec. 15 to benefit residents throughout Southeast Michigan. To see a complete list of the events, visit Beaumont.org/marketplace.

Certified application counselors will be available on site and by phone to assist with:

  • navigating the Health Insurance Marketplace
  • researching plan options
  • understanding costs of coverage

The Health Insurance Marketplace is a result of the Affordable Care Act, which provides health care coverage to people across Michigan and the United States looking for low-cost health care plans. About 61,000 people are now getting treatment at Beaumont facilities as a result of insurance coverage through the Healthy Michigan Plan or the Affordable Care Act.

This is the time when people without coverage or those who want a new insurance plan can apply for health insurance, while comparing options and costs. These events are intended to provide people with the opportunity to help them make more informed decisions and understand their choices.

For those re-enrolling, changing plans or new to the program, here are some guidelines:

  • enrollment events assist those who need help signing up for insurance plans, those in need of health coverage or those looking for a new plan
  • certified application counselors will be available to answer questions about the enrollment process and to help people from feeling overwhelmed and assist them in identifying plans that fit their needs and their budgets

Numerous open enrollment events will take place at sites in southeast Michigan. To find out where and when there is an event near you, call 800-582-1101 or email questions to marketplace@beaumont.org.

Finding the right coverage depends on what’s most important for families. When shopping for insurance, ensure that your current provider accepts the plan you’re looking at, because not all providers accept all plans, so it’s important to know if yours does.

Some examples of health care plan options include:

  • emergency services
  • hospitalization
  • maternity and newborn care
  • preventive and wellness services
  • pediatric services
  • other services available including assistance with Medicaid enrollment

If you’re planning to enroll in a plan at an open enrollment event, or have an appointment with a counselor, be sure to bring the following items:

  • picture identification
  • Social Security numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants) of everyone in the household who needs coverage
  • employer and income information for every member of your household who needs insurance coverage
  • policy numbers for any current health insurance plans covering members of your household


If you are unable to attend an open enrollment event, you can find more information or shop for individual health plans on the federal marketplace at Healthcare.gov or by scheduling an appointment to speak with a Beaumont certified application counselor.

All appointments are free, local, and available on evenings and weekends. Walk-ins are welcome.

For more information, call 800-582-1101 or email any questions to marketplace@beaumont.org.