Friday, July 17, 2020
COVID-19 screening, masks, hand sanitizer and social distancing come before vaccinations given under open tents in parking lots
The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted getting vital routine wellness visits for kids who need their shots. In fact, the state of Michigan reported a 44.5% decrease in immunizations during the pandemic. This decline puts kids and their communities at risk for outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.
It’s time to get your kids required vaccinations before the new school year starts. All public-school children must have them even if school is held online and not in person. To jumpstart the process, Beaumont will be hosting two safe, easy-access curbside immunization events from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for ages 10-21 at its state-certified school-based Teen Health Centers in River Rouge and Taylor:
Thursday, July 30: Beaumont Teen Health Center – River Rouge (part of River Rouge High School), 1460 W. Coolidge Highway. Call 313-843-1639 to register.
Wednesday, Aug. 5: Beaumont Teen Health Center – Taylor, 26650 Eureka Road, Suite B. Call 734-942-2273 to register.
You must call the center of your choice to register for an assigned, staggered appointment time.
Availability is limited. More than one child per vehicle is okay.