Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Heart and Vascular Services department at Beaumont Hospital, Troy will host its first Veterans Wellness Day Fair on July 31.
“As a team, we promote heart-healthy lifestyles as well as preventive care,” said Jenna Mallard, exercise physiologist, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Beaumont, Troy. “With so many returning troops coming home to America, we thought it would be an excellent idea to provide a free health screening for them as well as veterans of all ages.”
The free event will be from 9 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, July 31, at Beaumont Health Club, 1555 E. South Blvd., Rochester Hills, which is near Beaumont, Troy.
Veterans can expect:
- baseline vital checks
- education about nutrition, stress and exercise
- a consultation with a Beaumont Health Club nutritionist or Heart and Vascular exercise physiologist
Registration is not required. For more information, contact Mallard: 248-267-5656 or
Unable to attend? Take one of Beaumont’s free online health risk assessments to help fight diseases before they start.