Do you find yourself endlessly checking your phone throughout the day? Is your phone in your hand right now? If you feel a little too attached to your smartphone, tablet, computer or even video games, you might be a great candidate for a digital detox.
“With all of the information and alerts coming at us, there’s very little time to let the mind calm down,” explained Richard Grucz, Jr., M.D., family medicine physician at Beaumont Hospital, Dearborn. “Like any addiction, if your behavior starts becoming detrimental to your health, relationship or job, you should consider a detox.”
What is a digital detox?
A digital detox is a scheduled time spent disconnected from digital devices to let yourself “recharge.”
Spending too much time attached to your devices, constantly interrupted by the pinging of notifications, can make you feel burnt out. Continual multitasking and bombardment of information throughout the day can even make your brain less efficient.
Dr. Grucz said the tell-tale signs of being overly connected include:
- anticipating that you have to check your phone
- feeling anxious without your device
- missing out on moments in front of you
- feeling obligated to answer immediately
What are the benefits?
By doing a digital detox, you give yourself the chance to step away and allow your thoughts and conversations to get all the way through, without any interruptions. Unplugging from the hyper-connected life deepens your mental clarity and strengthens relationships by being present in the moment with others and yourself.
Whether you choose exercising, visiting with friends and family or simply enjoying your favorite hobby, you will be doing yourself a favor when you put away the distractions.
How to do a digital detox?
Whether you choose a short period of time, or even up to a few days, consider planning it out in advance. Choose the best time to do it and make all the arrangements. Weekends and holidays are recommended as the best time because the workload is less demanding. However, some people choose to set aside an hour of time each day for a digital detox.
“For most people, it’s probably unreasonable to quit cold turkey,” detailed Dr. Grucz. “Set limits and rewards for your usage. Commit to check your Facebook or Twitter twice a day. If you can adhere to that, reward yourself.”
Regardless of length or intensity, these digital detoxes prove it is possible to stop living through screens, and start living in the moment.