If you are new to exercise or haven’t been active in a while, you may be asking yourself, “Am I too out of shape to work out?” The short answer: No.
Here’s advice from five Beaumont Health Club fitness coaches and personal trainers on how to successfully introduce exercise as part of your lifestyle.
“As long as you can move any part of your body, i.e. wiggle your pinky, and you WANT to get into shape then, you're of the best mindset to get started. I suggest you meet with a medical professional first to make sure you're aware of what your body may or may not do. Then, start moving in your house, go to a health club and ask for help in getting started. Reach out to a friend to start moving.” - Rhonda Jean
“The more out of shape we are the smaller our "glass box" gets. Meaning our range of motion is less, our cardio system is weaker and everyday movements get more difficult. Beginning to exercise again or for the first time can be hard but not doing is not the answer. Walking is a great first step. Make a commitment to yourself to walk for 5 minutes, and keep adding minutes for the first week and so on. Other first steps can be a stationary bike, treadmill and or the pool. If you have questions or concerns on what activity to begin on seek out a personal trainer.” - James Tomlinson
Have your workout gear ready the night before, so all you have to do is get dressed, put your gym shoes on and go.
“The first thing you should do is set some time aside to move. Walking is a great option for starting your weight loss journey. Aim to get 20-30 minutes a day working towards 5 times a week. Also, don’t beat yourself up; you are not alone.” - Anda Youngman
“There is no such thing as being too out of shape to work out! All you have to do it find an activity that is appropriate for you that you enjoy. A few things to try might be water jogging, gentle joint strengthening, yoga, or a low impact cardio machine such as the bike or NuStep. Feel free to ask a fitness coach for help – we are cheering for you!” - Carlie Craven
“Regardless of your health challenges or symptoms you may have, moving (i.e., working out, exercising, physical activity) regularly is one of the best things you can do for your health. Soon after you start moving (it could be as little as 10 minutes a day), you'll begin to see and feel the benefits that physical activity can have on your mind, body and well-being. Make it a habit and it will be part of your lifestyle forever.” - Nathan Adams
Always consult your primary care physician before beginning any exercise program.