Plan ahead for prescriptions. Most pharmacy and provider offices will be closed on Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Find same-day care options including urgent care. More Info

Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Multiple Babies

What are the symptoms of multiple pregnancy?

The following are the most common symptoms of multiple pregnancy. However, each woman may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms of multiple pregnancy may include:

  • larger uterus than expected for the date in pregnancy
  • increased morning sickness
  • increased appetite
  • excessive weight gain, especially in early pregnancy
  • fetal movements felt in different parts of abdomen at same time

How is multiple pregnancy diagnosed?

Many women suspect they are pregnant with more than one baby. Diagnosis of multiple fetuses may be made early in pregnancy, especially if fertility treatments were used. In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnosis may be made by:

  • Pregnancy blood testing. Levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) may be quite high with multiple pregnancy.
  • Alpha-fetoprotein. Levels of a protein released by the fetal liver and found in the mother's blood may be high when more than one fetus is making the protein.
  • Ultrasound. A safe diagnostic imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of blood vessels, tissues and organs. Ultrasounds can be done with a vaginal transducer, especially in early pregnancy, or with an abdominal transducer in later pregnancy.